
Barley Croft Primary School

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  • Map Madness

    Wed 02 Jul 2014

    On Friday 13th June the whole school took part in Map Madness Day! We kick-started the day with a fabulous assembly. Tom Mottram told a captivating story involving love letters, a glowing map, a dinosaur bone and even a bit of Elvis chucked in! Everybody then went back to their own classes and continued the rest of the day going mad over maps!


    Luckily, the weather was beautiful, which meant that lots of things were happening outside all day long!!! There were treasure hunts involving dinosaur bones, following maps and collecting letters in KS1. In KS2 there was timed orienteering with extremely expensive and exciting equipment with a visitor from Cambridge University! Meanwhile, inside, there was map drawing, castle making, beebots travelling on maps, reading stories and even a visit to Baltimore by year 5 and 6! (Sort of!)


    It was a brilliant day with a lot of learning about maps and fun happening all around the school.
