
Barley Croft Primary School

Designated Specialist Provision (DSP)

Barley Croft Primary School host a Designated Specialist Provision with a specialism of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN). Our DSP has a maximum capacity of 15 pupils ranging from Year 1 to Year 6.

Our provision is seen as an integral part of Barley Croft and our pupils are very much part of the whole school community.  

The SENDCo, in conjunction with the DSP lead teacher ensures that the EHC Plan provision recommendations are implemented, monitored and reviewed.

For further information please see below or on our DSP Provision Statement:

Who's who?

DSP Newsletter Autumn 2024

Curriculum information, provision and our facilities

The unit provision offers specialist speech and language intervention on an intensive basis and provides access to mainstream education, curriculum and speech and language models. Staff work with parents and professionals to ensure an integrated approach to developing speech, language and communication skills. NHS Speech and Language Therapists are based in school weekly for 7-10 weeks every term, and DSP students receive support from the Therapists for the number of contacts specified on their EHCP under the health provision (section G).

The speech therapy is provided on an individual basis or in small groups, with a member of DSP staff present, and this work is further supported by follow up work being carried out by DSP staff.  

The children within the DSP follow the same curriculum as the rest of the school in all areas of learning.  In maths, we use the Power Maths scheme differentiated to the needs of the children.  In literacy we use the National Curriculum 2014 steps of development, but taught at their own pace.  These lessons tend to be taught within the DSP.  Where children are working within their year group expectations we organise for them to learn within a mainstream class alongside their peers. 

All other areas of the curriculum are covered within our REAL project approach.  For the first half-term, the DSP follows its own curriculum to support the social development of friendship within the class.  After the October break some of the children go into a mainstream class with the support of a Teaching Assistant who can differentiate and support their learning.  Children join their year groups for trips and activities related to their REAL project. 

The children have weekly life skills lessons with include cooking, social skills, how they fit into their community, experiencing real life situations etc.  These occur on a weekly basis and are followed up in all areas of life within the DSP.  The children also have access to the school’s outdoor classroom which is used when appropriate.

Disapplication from National testing, such as SATS, may occur dependent on the individual needs.  Where children are able to access the tests, specific access arrangement are made to meet individual need. 

Extra curricula activities are open to all children within school and children in the DSP access these where they can.


Identifying and reviewing needs

Staff, alongside the school SENDCo, parents and outside agencies will develop and work on individual targets through the year; reviewed annually at a meeting with parents.  Targets will be based on academic achievement as well as social and self-help skills and behaviour (if required)

The children are monitored and assessed using the school systems.  We have broken down each year groups targets into termly targets in order to monitor small steps of progress.

Their speech programmes are highly individualised, set by a Speech and Language Therapist and followed up with two sessions a week of individual input by an ELKLAN trained Level 3 Teaching Assistant.

Other specific learning needs are identified and supported using school based interventions e.g. precision teaching, BRP reading, as well as more specialised interventions recommended by external agencies.



The children within the DSP are included in every aspect of school life.  Where appropriate we integrate children into their year group for lessons, this can include maths, literacy, REAL project or PE.  For maths or literacy they need to be working within their year group expectations and their communication skills need to be at a level where they can understand at the faster pace of classroom teaching.  When joining their year group for any REAL project activities they will be accompanied by an adult from the DSP to support their understanding and differentiate the work to their level.  They also join their year groups for trips and activities linked to learning e.g. A roman day. 


Playtimes, assemblies (including taking part in their own class assembly twice a year), sport days, year group parties/ celebrations, shows, in fact any activities happening within their year group are also opportunities where children can mix with their peers. 


Working with Parents/ Carers

We keep in regular contact with parents by phone, email, newsletters and parents meetings, as well as by SEESAW – an online learning sharing platform.

Parents are invited to the annual reviews and any other meetings involving professional contact.

Parents are also invited to come in to school to watch their child when they perform their class assembly, usually twice per year.


Admission Information

All admissions to the DSP unit are handled through the Special Education Service, SES. Places within the unit are allocated through a panel meeting following the implementation or review of a child’s EHCP where the primary need is speech, language and communication needs which cannot be met effectively within a mainstream classroom.


Links Beyond School

Staff have access to the full range of services in the City in order to meet the needs of pupils. These may include the Educational Psychology Service, Special Needs Teaching Service and other agencies as appropriate to the children’s needs.



Transport (when needed) is provided in accordance with the Local Authority SEN transport policy. 

Parents must apply for this using the online application process (link below). We advise doing this as soon as SES have confirmed that your child has secured a place at our provision.

Online Transport applications: (Click on Complete the SEND transport application form)

Telephone contact details for:  Special Education (SEN) transport enquiries

0116 454 0902 (Option 1, then Option 2) for assistance.


Moving On – Transition

Appropriate secondary provision will be decided upon in collaboration with parents, schools and professional agencies. Children from the DSP typically attend the following range of secondary provision on leaving dependant on their individual needs: mainstream, specialist provision within a mainstream school or special school provision. Transitions pathways are followed in accordance to the secondary school’s policy e.g. transition visits, information gathering, and photo books.

Some children may exit the DSP and return to mainstream education part way through their primary school journey when their speech, language and communication are in line with their developmental age and they demonstrate that they can cope with the pace and demands of a mainstream classroom.

DSP Parent Feedback

Phase 2.m4v

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Phase 3 Single Sounds

Still image for this video