
Barley Croft Primary School

Governing Body

The Governors of Barley Croft Primary School are proud of the opportunities offered to our pupils to develop the values and skills essential for their future. 


The Governing Board consists of a combination of people these are elected by parents and staff, appointed by the City Council or co-opted by the Governing Board. School Governors help the Headteacher and staff to achieve the school aims. They make important decisions on how the school is run.

Governors work as a whole group or as part of a committee. Our Governing Board has 2 committees that are responsible for:

  • Resources and Finance
  • Performance and Standards    


Governors meet has a whole group at least once a term and as a committee at least once a term.


If you wish to contact a Governor for any reason you are welcome to do so via the school postal address or email address.


If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Barley Croft, please contact the school office for further information   



     Barley Croft Primary School Governing Body  
Governor Information    
Name Governor TypePositionDeclaration of interestsDate appointedTerm of Office endsGoverning Body Meetings Attendance 2023/24Resources & Finance Committee Attendance 2023/24Performance & Standards Committee Attendance 2023/24 
David IsaacLA Governor

Chair of Governors (FGB)

Vice chair of resources and finance committee

Rebecca Dulieu Ex Officio Headteacher Employee01/01/2022 4/43/33/4 
James CanhamStaff Governor  Employee08/04/202407/04/20282/21/12/2 
Gretel StonebridgeCo-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Governors (FGB)

Chair of performance and standards

Samira TayaballiCo-opted GovernorChair of resources and financeNone01/09/202331/08/20271/40/3  
Ayan FahieParent Governor None31/10/202230/10/20262/4 2/4 
Keily ShirraParent Governor None11/01/202310/01/20274/42/33/4 
Tommy LloydCo-opted Governor  04/06/202403/06/2028    

Previous Governors in the last 12 months who are no longer standing as governors

Name of Governor


Date of finish

Viv BrooksStaff22/03/2024
Tasleem PatelCo-opted28/08/2024
ZamZam YusufCo-opted06/09/2024

* Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body, Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority, parent governors are elected by the parent body and staff governors are elected by the staff body of the school

David Isaac

Chair of Governors 


I am currently employed as a Business Change Manager at Leicestershire County Council and have worked in that capacity for a variety of organisations over the last 25 years.  I am married with two daughters, the eldest of which is studying law at De Montfort University and the youngest is in her GCSE year at Wreake Valley Academy.  I became a governor at Barley Croft Primary in 2016.  

Since joining the governing body I have been impressed by the enthusiasm and warmth of the school leadership team, all the staff and all the children.  Together with all the governors I will strive to ensure the school is fully supported to continue to deliver an outstanding learning environment that will prepare the children to have happy and fulfilling lives.  


Rebecca Dulieu


I have worked at Barley Croft Primary School since January 2022 and have previously been a Headteacher at another primary in Leicester City. I have worked across Leicester city in education for over 25 years and still hold the same passion and drive that I did in my first year of teaching. 


I have 2 daughters and I am an avid West Ham United football supporter. That doesn't always go down well in Leicester! 


I feel very privileged to work in such a wonderful school that celebrates the diverse community that our school serves. Working closely with the Governing Team is essential to ensure that the school continues to provide what our community of children need. Ensuring that all have the opportunity to reach their full potential. 


James Canham

Staff Governor

I have worked in education for the past 22 years as a teacher and senior leader. I completed my teacher training in the U.S.A. and worked in a school in The Bronx for 9 years before returning to the U.K. where I taught in a variety of schools in London and Leicester.

As a parent myself of two children, I recognise and understand the importance and significance that an outstanding education can offer. I am passionate about providing the children of Barley Croft Primary School with the best possible opportunities for them to achieve their potential.

I have worked at Barley Croft Primary School for over two years as the Deputy Headteacher. I bring my professional experience and knowledge to the role of Staff Governor where my responsibility is to share the views of staff with the Governing Body and act as a conduit between staff and the Governors’.



Gretel Stonebridge

Co-opted Governor


I became a governor at Barley Croft Primary School in December 2021, after a career encompassing people management, continuous improvement, and change. I have a passion for learning and have worked in retail, manufacturing and latterly in higher education. Currently I am an Associate Consultant for SUMS Consulting and help universities understand and learn about their people culture and use their key drivers to support change.

 I am really enjoying being part of the Governing Team for such a diverse and thriving school where I see a passion for continual improvement with children’s learning and development at the heart.

 I enjoy playing in a guitar ensemble, I am learning to play bass guitar with the goal of playing in a blues band, I enjoy swing jive and open water swimming.



Keilly Shirra

Co-opted Governor


I am mum to Harry (8) and Molly (21) and live at home with them both, my husband Dan & our huge Labrador. 

Myself and Dan currently run our own family business, working from home (we have 2 workshops). We manufacture natural cosmetics including soap, bath bombs, creams, bath products, shampoo, etc. 

We supply to National Trust shops, Woodland Trust, have our own online shops, small independent retailers & businesses. The name of our business is ‘Mad About Nature’.

 I previously worked for 25 years at Millgate school - this is a residential special needs school looking after secondary aged boys with SEMH needs. I worked in the residential unit for the whole time and became Resi manager for my last 5 years there. 

My responsibilities included managing staff, rotas, training, school improvement plans, EHCP reviews & targets, as well as having yearly OFSTED inspections that we had to prepare for - and of course looking after the boys who stayed in residence over the week. 

I also did lots of work with families & other professional agencies. 

My educational background- I have a BA (hons) degree in social sciences (majoring in psychology) and whilst at Millgate had lots of training in first aid, team teach, behaviour management, SEN, etc


Tommy Lloyd

Co-opted Governor

I am a qualified teacher and have worked across a number of schools and nurseries for several years. I have recently taken up my second teaching post in a local primary school and have worked with children across all age phases.

Since joining the governing body, it has been clear that Barley Croft is filled with passionate, caring and knowledgeable practitioners, devoted to providing children with endless opportunities. It is a privilege to be able to be part of the continuous journey of success and to be able to utilise my passions for learning, safeguarding and wellbeing. Staff and children are assets to the school and make the community something proud to be part of.

Outside of schools, I volunteer for a local charity as a trustee and safeguarding lead which teaches adults to read. There is no time scale or limit on learning or personal development and it’s clear that Barley Croft is continuously supporting children to develop, thrive and become lifelong learners. I am very much looking forward to what the future holds for Barley Croft and its staff, children and local community.

