
Barley Croft Primary School



At Barley Croft we aim to bring history to life. This is achieved by planning clear, real world and purposeful lessons that immerse the children in realistic experiences both in school and on exciting educational visits. We ensure that the plans are linked to our REAL projects.  Through this children are able to gain a real understanding of their place in history and concepts of when events happened in relation to each other. There will be opportunities for the children to learn about the history of their culture and their local community. The History curriculum is designed to ignite children's curiosity about the past. We are determined that alongside historical knowledge there will be a high focus on the development of specific historical skills to ensure children know more and remember more. We will ensure that they have the opportunity to reflect and talk about their new found knowledge.



History is delivered through our REAL project approach. REAL projects are the means by which we bring the National Curriculum and Barley Croft curriculum alive.  It stands for ‘Rigorous, Engaging, Authentic Learning’ and we place importance on each of those elements in order to run a successful curriculum project. Each project culminates in a final product or event which showcases their learning. Children can talk about what scientific skills they have learnt within the project and how these have been used in the final outcome.

All skills are taught progressively during a two-year cycle and this is monitored at regular intervals throughout the year. Children are taught the knowledge and skills they need as part of REAL project lessons. It is made explicit to the children what they are learning. This builds on their previous knowledge and skills and how this contributes to the project. Children are assessed throughout the project using a range of methods and this is captured at two points in the year.



When children leave Barley Croft they will be able to;

  1. To know that history is a study of the past and things can be learnt from what has happened before.
  2. To know about a famous person who has shaped the past.
  3. To know about different periods of history including world war 2 and other key British events.
  4. To know about history from other countries eg The Egyptians/Romans and how they had an impact on today’s society.
  5. To know some facts about the kings and queens of England. (The Monarchy).
  6. To know when some key events happened and place them in some sort of chronological order.
  7. How some people lived during periods of history, what did they wear, eat, jobs they etc.
  8. Some knowledge of the history of the place that they live in.
  9. Some knowledge of what an Archaeologist is and the role that they play in this area of the curriculum.
  10. To have visited a museum or a place for a historical experience.