Barley Croft Primary was inspected in December 2024. The inspection was ungraded with an outcome of 'The school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection'.
Please take the time to read the report below.
Barley Croft Primary School was inspected in 2019 and remains a 'Good' school overall.
Please read the FULL INSPECTION REPORT below.
Barley Croft Primary School was inspected under a Section 5 (2 day) framework in February 2014 and was found to be 'Good' in all areas.
Parent View Dashboard
Parent View is an on-line questionnaire and is the main source for gathering parents’ and carers' views about a school when it is inspected. When parents and carers are notified of the school’s inspection, they have an opportunity to contribute their views through a short set of questions.